Bible AI

Dive deeper into the Bible with intelligent, instant answers to your questions.

Never study alone - get expert biblical guidance at your fingertips, day or night.

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Chat with God through Bible and Grow your Faith

Try our Christian Chat, powered by the latest AI technology, to ask questions to God and understand the Bible. Our goal is to help you find answers to your faith-related concerns and any life challenges you face. Start your biblical learning experience now!

  • Suitable for Everyone
  • Learn More About Religion and Your Faith
  • Get Truly Inspiring Guidance
  • Get Answers to Your Deepest Questions
  • Journal Your Thoughts, Questions, and Prayers
  • Get Access to Your Preferred Bible Version
  • Receive Spiritual Guidance
  • Create Personalized Prayers
  • Access Digital Bible
  • Strengthen Your Faith
  • Explore The Word of God
  • Bible Verse Generator

Experience the full potential of Holy Reading.

With the Holy Reading, a whole world of guided spirituality becomes available at your fingertips.

Holy Reading Features

Try Holy Reading and explore interactive features that will make your experience memorable. Get closer to God today!

Verse Finder

Easily find a verse from the Old Testament or New Testament based on a topic, concept, or word, and understand its meaning and context. A Bible verse is a numbered passage from the Bible, usually one or a few sentences long, that has a specific meaning.

Create a personalized prayer

Create a personalized prayer based on your current situation, needs, and desires. Get prayer insights and guidance from the Bible. Then create your own every day tailored to you and your loved ones.

Instant Bible Study

Get instant access to the Bible and straight forward access to sections with the click of a button. Get insights and guidance from the Bible and fast track to your desired destination.

1,000,000 + Historical Data points, events and knowledge at your fingertips

Explore a rich collection of Bible lessons designed to deepen your understanding of faith. These lessons cover many topics and are based on biblical teachings to help with everyday challenges.

Explore any topics and interests through the Lenses of the Bible


Discover the story of creation and the world's creation through the lens of the Bible.


Explore the stories of faith and how it can help you grow in your relationship with God.


Discover the story of forgiveness and how it can help you grow in your relationship with God.


Explore the stories of money and how it can help you grow in wealth and prosperity.

Experience the full potential of Holy Reading.

With the Holy Reading, a whole world of guided spirituality becomes available at your fingertips.